Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

All I can say about this one is: FINALLY! If you haven't noticed my absolute need for this book over the last few months than you've obviously missed a few blog posts. I'm pretty sure I've talked about it multiple times this summer, and I am so excited to spend the entire day reading this!
2) The American by Henry James

We read James's short story "Daisy Miller" in my American Literature class last quarter, and I loved it. So, when I found this novel for only $1 at a cheap thrift store last month, I jumped on the chance to get it. I think it will be an intriguing read. I hope I like it as much as "Daisy Miller".
3) Crimson Bound

I read and enjoyed Hodge's Cruel Beauty in July, and so when I found her other novel, Crimson Bound, a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, at the library, I decided to get it. Though Cruel Beauty wasn't one of my favorites, I did enjoy it, so hopefully this one turns out just as good or perhaps better.
4) Lair of Dreams

This is the second book in the Diviners Series. It took a long time to come out, but anything from Libba Bray is worth the wait. Her books are amazing. Seriously, if you haven't read any of her books before, go look into getting them. They range from beautifully tragic, to hysterically funny. I'm really looking forward to another novel by her, especially since it's a continuation of a story I loved!
5) Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

I read the first novel in this series, Shadow and Bone, back in July. I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue this series, especially if I was going to have to pay for it, but thankfully I found the second book at the library. Hopefully this one is better than the second, or I'm not sure I will be continuing on with this series.
6) Nimona

I have read all of, I think, two or three graphic novels in my life. I have heard a lot about this one on tumblr/booklr, and so I asked my dad to get it for me the last time we were at Barnes and Noble. Surely, graphic novels do not count against my book buying rules, right? (Like I didn't break practically every single rule on this list last month. Sigh.) Apparently it is about two "villains" who set out to prove that the "good guys" on not actually all that good.
7) Everything, Everything

I talked about this book in my Most Anticipated Books post, which you can find here. It is about a girl who is allergic to just about everything and has to stay inside her house all the time. But when a boy moves in next door, she starts falling in love with him. This book sounds so cute and unique. I'm looking forward to getting this one!
8) Where'd You Go, Bernadette

For those of you who don't know, I go to school in Seattle. I love it up there. There is always something to do, whether coffee-shopping or walking by the water. However, it is very different from my hometown here in California. This novel takes place fairly close to my school, and it sounds absolutely hilarious. It's supposed to be pretty satirical, and so I'm really looking forward to the many laughs I'll have while reading this novel.
9) Anthem

Multiple family members have recommend this very short book to me, and so I'm going to take the time to read it this month. When I say "take the time," I really mean "take a few hours at most." This book is insanely short. It will be my first book my Rand, and I'm excited to see if I like it or not.
10) Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs

I am so excited for this book to come out! I have been waiting for this book since the finishing the second shortly after it came out early last year. This series is amazingly creative and unique. I'm excited to see where Riggs takes his characters in this next installment. Also, these novels are beautifully made! They look and feel like they are straight out of the late 1800s/ early 1900s. It's so cool how they design the actual book!
I think I'm in for a good reading month! I'll be doing a good amount of reviews this month, so there's that to look forward to. Have you read any of these? Are there any you would like to read along with me? Let me know in the comments!
Your Pemberley Reader,