Sorry for going MIA there. It's been a long month. I moved back to Seattle for school, so getting ready for that was stressful. I moved into my first apartment and started classes this week, so I am going to get back on track with blogging. Promise!
Today, I am going to go over my October TBR. I've decided to try and read 4-5 books this month on top of reading for school (which is a lot this quarter.) We'll see how it goes. Let's get started:
1) Pet Sematary by Stephen King

Since it's October, I wanted to start the month off with Stephen King novel. I just got my first library card in Seattle, and so I used it to get this! I am very excited, as this is one of the King novels I have still yet to read. Hopefully I like it as much as some of his other novels.
2) The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy

I promised my cousin that I would finally read this book. She gave it to me a few years ago, but I've been a bad cousin and have yet to read it. It's a rather short book, so I'm thinking I'll have find to fit it in amongst the rest of my reading this month.
3) Where She Went by Gayle Forman (If I Stay #2)

I read If I Stay in high school, and I loved it. I recently watched the movie adaptation, and it reminded me that I have Where She Went, but that I have still yet to read it. So, finally, I'm going to get to it. I'm very excited to get back into this story and see what has become of the characters.
4) Atonement by Ian McEwan

Like many, I saw the movie version of this novel first. I know a lot of people who have said that the movie is better, and that the book is very different. I'm hoping since I'm aware of this, that I will be more open to what the book has to offer.
5) Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson

I figure that by the end of October I'll be wishing for summer again. Hopefully this will feed that need. I read Matson's Amy and Roger's Epic Detour last year and loved it. I've heard this is equally as good. I'm looking forward to finishing out the month with this one.
Have you read any of these books? Will I like them? Let me know if any of you want to read along!
Your Pemberley Reader,