One of my favorite authors for the past two years has been Marissa Meyer. She is the author of the YA series The Lunar Chronicles, which I discovered towards the end of my senior year of high school just after the second book had come out. I instantly fell in love with Cinder (Book #1) and immediately had to get Scarlet (Book #2). The series is a sci-fi retelling of classic fairytales. The first, Cinder, is a take on Cinderella, the second, Scarlet, is Little Red Riding Hood, the third, Cress, is Rapunzel, and the fourth, Winter (out later this year), will be Snow White.
Each title is a character's name, and the series is not simply different takes on each fairytale, but a blending of them all. With each book, the new character is introduced into the already amazing storyline, expanding the eclectic and wonderful group of characters into a team that will hopefully be able to take down the evil queen, Levana, in the final book.
From the very beginning Meyer has done a wonderful job of world-building. She sets up readers to not only understand the world she puts us in, but to want to learn as much as they can about it. She does a wonderful job creating captivating plots and an even better job with creating characters that are moving and wonderful to root for.
Every book, thus far in the series, has risen to the same amazing level that was set with Cinder. If you want a series that will not disappoint you in the sequel department, read this series. Each book builds onto the first with such skill and grace, that Meyer will soon be one of your favorite authors, too!
Not only has Meyer created a wonderful series with the three books out thus far, but she has also released multiple short stories having to do with the world. These include "Glitches," "The Queen's Army," and "Carswell's Guide to Being Lucky." These stories will be collected, along with others, into a bind-up called Stars Above, which will be released in early 2016.
Also an add on to this series, is the book which came out earlier this year: Fairest. This is the antagonist Queen Levana's story. It chronicles her rise to power from her teen years to her rule as queen. It is a wonderful addition to the series, as it gives explanations for why Levana is the way she is and for her motivations in the rest of the series. It will be interesting to see how Meyer uses the information provided to the reader in Fairest in the last book. I wonder whether we will be lead to feel sympathy for her at the end or if she will use it in some other unpredictable but still amazing way.
The last book, Winter, comes out later this year on November 10th. I'm very excited for it's release, but also very sad that the series will be coming to an end. Meyer has become one of my favorite authors, and I'm looking forward to see what comes next from her once this series is done. Whether it is more fairytale retellings or something entirely different, I'm sure it will be wonderful.
I hope you all enjoyed this author spotlight! I highly recommend Meyer's books if you haven't read them yet. They're beautiful novels that keep you on the edge of your seat, have a few twists and turns, and sometimes take place in space. What more can you ask for?
I'll see you all on Monday!
Your Pemberley Reader,
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