Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Top 5: Most Beautiful Series Covers

Today, we talk about beautiful books, more specifically, the beautiful covers that books wear. Here are my Top 5 favorite series covers:

5) Shades of London Series by Maureen Johnson
I love how ghostly these books are, espicially since the main subject of these books is ghosts. These books got a bit of a remake after the first book came out, and I am so happy they did. These covers are so much more beautiful and fitting to the series than the original covers. I think my favorite has got to be The Name of the Star, just because I love the blue-green they used.

4) Shatter Me Series by Tahereh Mafi
These covers also got a HUGE makeover after the first book, and I couldn't be happier with them. Though the eye seems a little weird at first and doesn't necessarily go with the book, the season imagery and metaphors on each cover go beautifully with the contents of each book. Separately, I don't know if I love these, but together, they are absolutely stunning.

3) Stephanie Perkins's Books

Again, these covers were also redone. These were redone after the second one came out, and I had yet to read them. In all honesty, I probably never would have picked these up had it not been for the redesign. These beautiful covers hooked me and I needed them all instantly. They are each cute, but together on a shelf, just gorgeous. 

2) The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski

I won't lie, I've only read the first of this series. I don't even own it, I got it from the library. After reading the first though, I think these covers are absolute perfection. Which sucks, because it's been announced that a redesign is happening. There was actually some controversy over this, because they weren't going to wait, but change them before the third one came out, but people disliked the new covers so much, that current fans convinced the publisher to wait off a bit. These covers will only be around a bit longer, replaced by far less beautiful, and far less fitting covers once the third book The Winner's Kiss comes out in paperback. Basically, I must get my hands on all of them in the coming months. 

1) Firebird Series by Claudia Gray
Let's just look at these for a few seconds. I mean, really look at them. They're beautiful, right? I think these are probably my favorite covers to ever exist. These covers are stunning and beautiful and magnificent and jaw-dropping and any other adjective I can think of to describe the way these make me feel. I mean, talk about aesthetically pleasing, right? Gah. I can't wait to have the completed set on my shelves. 

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