1) Say What You Will

This book started off so good, but ended so badly. I was actually enjoying it, was pumped to do a review on it, and then the last hundred pages or so just irritated me to the point that I honestly didn't even want to finish it. It was a bad way to start off my reading month, in all honesty.
Rating: 1.5 out of 5 Cups of Tea

2) The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien

This was so much better than the second! Oh man, this book got me pumped and gave me all the feels. Please, please tell me that there are others out there who ship Sam and Frodo, because they were too lovey dovey not to be an actual thing. No, but in all seriousness, this was a great wrap-up to the series, and I loved every minute of it. It was a fun, exciting read, and I can't wait to hopefully take a class about this series this year.
Rating: 5 out of 5 Cups of Tea

3) I'll Give You the Sun

Oh my goodness. This book far exceeded my expectations. It was a raw, moving, and beautiful novel that made me cry multiple times. I wrote a full review on it here if you want to check it out.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Cups of Tea

4) The Wrath and the Dawn

This novel was wonderfully done! The writing was beautiful and perfect for this novel. It sucked me in and made me want more. I'm looking forward to the next novel to find out what happens to these amazingly dynamic characters. The romance alone was so worth the read. I want to do a full review on this one eventually (aka an excuse to reread my favorite parts), but just haven't had the chance to write it yet.
Rating: 4 out of 5 Cups of Tea

5) Second Star

This was such a disappointing read. It started off slow, and I just never got emotionally involved. Things happened, characters cried, characters kissed, more things happened - or didn't happen - and I just never cared about any of it. The characters were flat, and the "mystery" this novel tried to portray was boring and confusing.
Review: 1 out of 5 Cups of Tea

6) The Program

This novel truly surprised me. I honestly wasn't expecting much. I figured it had been over-hyped, and that it was probably not going to be all that interesting. I was so wrong! This novel wasn't only entertaining, but so emotional. I was surprised by how invested I became in the characters. I felt protective of them at times. From start to finish, this was such an exciting, fun read. I couldn't put it down.
Review: 4 out 5 Cups of Tea

7) Emma

I actually didn't end up reading this. I was a few days behind on my reading goal, and when I got to thinking about it, I think I'll probably end up wanting to reread it while the class I mentor/TA for reads it as well. I have read this before, multple times, and so I can in all honesty give it a 5 out of 5 Cups of Tea Rating!

8) Red Queen

I was afraid of this book being over-hyped, but I was wrong, again! It was so amazing, with some of the best plot twists I think I've ever come across. You can find my full review here.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Cups of Tea

9) Panic

Again, for the second time this month, no emotional attachment. Stuff happened, characters cried, relationships happened, characters lied, and it went on and on and on. Though the sociological aspects of this were fairly interesting to think about, everything else just made me cringe. There was so much that I felt was trying to draw me in, but that just fell flat. Boring, boring, boring.
Review: 1 out of 5 Cups of Tea

10) The Picture of Dorian Gray (Dover Thrift Editions)

I'm only about half way through this, as I still have all day today to finish it, but so far I'm enjoying it immensely. The conversations and characters are so interesting to me. I can't give this a full rating yet, but I have a feeling it will be pretty high up on the Tea Cup Scale.
I also said I would be reading some Anna Karenina this month, which, because I was behind, didn't happen. I did however read quite a bit in the Left Back book. Sadly, I think Anna Karenina might just have to wait, as I know this next month is going to be a busy month (moving back to Seattle for my third year of college, job hunting, and TA/Mentoring), and I don't want to fall behind again.
As you all can see, this was a bit of a mixed reading month. Some of the books I read were wonderful, while others were down right awful. There really was no middle ground, either. I went from loving the book I was reading, to moving onto a book I hated. Hopefully next month works out better for me.
I'll see you all tomorrow with my September TBR.
Your Pemberley Reader,