Last weekend, I went to see Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and it was everything that I ever hoped for. It was a fun and romantic portrayal of Pride and Prejudice that paid homage to both the 1995 and 2005 movie adaptations, but with the added bonus of zombies. It really did have everything you could have wished for:
GORGEOUS leading men? Check!
Darcy in a leather jacket and minutes later in a white t-shirt jumping into a lake? Check!
Perhaps the best portrayal of Mr. Collins ever? Check!
Oh, and let us not forget the best part: beautiful, kick-ass leading ladies that are instant squad goals:

Seriously, this entire movie was one ridiculously amazing thing after another. Though it did divert from the Pride and Prejudice story a bit towards the end, it overall did a good job of adapting the story for what it was wanting to accomplish. The addition of zombies was fun and made for some great jump-scare moments every now and then.
This was perhaps the coolest Lizzy to ever exist. She was unapologetic like the Lizzy we all know and love, but now she has the ability to kill zombies and look absolutely gorgeous while doing so. I basically wanted every single dress that Lizzy wore the entire movie. Also, the Bennet sisters are seriously instant squad goals in this movie. They may argue, and they may tease each other, but when it comes down to it, they'll ride into any zombie church for their sisters.
My favorite scene was probably the first time Darcy proposes. It turns into a physical fight between Darcy and Lizzy, and let's just say that the sexual tension is strong in this scene. There was of course the last scene few scenes of the movie that I loved as well, which were absolute cuteness and fluff.
This movie was honestly just so much fun to watch. I do wish there would have been some things from Pride and Prejudice that they didn't cut, but they did include my favorite line (albeit out of place, but whatever) so I can't complain too much about what they cut. (My favorite line for those wondering: "I cannot fix on the hour or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun." -Mr. Darcy.)
Overall, this movie is definitely worth seeing for any Austen fan. Even if you end up not loving it, I think its a fun to experience it at least once!
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Cups of Tea

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