Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Top 5: Books I've Read in University

Hello, all!

To those of you who don't know, I'm in my junior year of college. I'm majoring in English with concentrations in both literature and creative writing. This means a lot of reading. Some books I hate, some books I read simply because I have to, and some books I fall head over heels in love with. These are the top five books I've read while in college:

5) White Noise by Don DeLillo
white noise, don delillo, book review, top 5, books read in college, college, university,
This is about a Hitler Studies professor, his eclectic family, the "airborne toxic event" that strikes their town, and the overwhelming fear of death that some of the characters face. Laced with satire and social commentary, this novel is both hilarious and chilling. I absolutely loved reading this and even enjoyed the paper I wrote about it.

4) Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
book review, top 5, books read in college, college, university, shakespeare, comedy, theatre, twelfth night,
I read this for both a Brit Lit class and a theatre class. This has got to be one of my favorite comedies from Shakespeare. It's hilarious and such a fun read. I was so glad when I read it the first time, and even more excited to read it a second time in a theatre class. We went to see a live production, also, which I loved! 

3) Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
book review, top 5, books read in college, college, university, frankenstein, mary shelley, mary wollstonecraft, godwin,
Many people read this in high school apparently, but I never did. In one of my Brit Lit classes we read this, and I instantly loved it. It was easily the best thing we read in that class. I love framing narratives, so this was perfect for me, and I also loved the moral and ethical issues of creation that were brought up in this book. I really want to reread this one again soon. 

2) Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga
book review, top 5, books read in college, college, university, nervous conditions, tsitsi dangarembga, african literature, the book of not,
I just read this a few weeks ago in my International Fiction class and fell in love with it. This is novel is amazing. Dangarembga is from Zimbabwe, and this novel talks about a young girl there who struggles to gain an education. Then her uncle takes her in to attend his mission school. This novel covers a wide range of topics, from education, to colonization, to feminism, to eating disorders. I highly, highly recommend this novel!

1) The Thing Around Your Neck by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
book review, top 5, books read in college, college, university, the thing around your neck, chimamanda ngozi adichie, african literature, nigeria,

This is actually a short story collection, not a novel, but still so worth reading! Adichie has quickly become one of my favorite authors in the last year. Her writing is stunning and so, so moving. Every story in this collection has something important to say, and each one is written to perfectly get readers there. If you're looking for an amazing author or even just an amazing person in general, I would definitely check out Adichie. She has a couple of tedtalks on feminism and the importance of stereotypes and single stories, both of which I also highly recommend.

Your Pemberley Reader,


  1. White noise sounds super interesting!

    1. It is so good! You and Dad would probably really like it!

  2. I only hope to read 1/4 of what you have read while I'm here on this earth. You make me want to learn "speed reading" so I can catch up! Great review. White Noise looks good to me!

    1. Go forth and read all the things! :D White Noise is great! A little weird, but great!

  3. Im so curious about how this one would turn out. time to order, i guess! great post.
