Friday, February 12, 2016

How To Deal: Book Buying Bans

I have come to the recent conclusion that I own too many books.

Actually, that isn't possible. Let me rephrase. I own too many books that I haven't read. With this conclusion comes the sad fact that my book buying habits have to change. So, with the support of my roommate (who acknowledged my book buying problem about three years ago), I have placed myself on a Book Buying Ban for the foreseeable future. This isn't my first rodeo with the Ban, and I've got it down to a science, now.

book buying ban, the pemberley reader, tbr pile, bookstore, book buying addict,
So, I thought I would walk you all through my 5 Steps to Book Buying Bans:

1) Accept That You Have a Problem

This can stem from the sudden realization that you're bookshelf is full of unread books. It could stem from an empty bank account and you wondering where all of your money has gone only to notice the stack of new books on your bedside table. If either of these have happened to you or if you return home from the bookstore with shame instead of joy, it is time to make the harsh decision to go on a Ban.

If you're still in denial, see the infograph to the right. If this is your bookshelf, accept the Ban.

2) Decide the Severity of Your Ban 

All of us have varying degrees of problems with our book buying habits, and so each and every Ban is different. You can decide the severity of your Ban in a number of ways. Some will quit cold-turkey. I do not suggest this. It makes it easier to fall off of the wagon if you have nothing to look forward to. I like the perhaps easier route of deciding that you are allowed one book every now and then. What is everyone now and then? Well, the first option is choosing to not buy any books for say a month, allowing yourself one book, then back to another month without books. The second option is to set a goal, so for every five books you read, you can buy one book. I usually prefer the second option. Currently, I can only buy one book every ten that I read. (Yes. I have that many books to get through.)

3) Decide How Long Your Ban Will Last

You also have a couple of options here. A) Set an amount of time to be on the Ban. How much time do you need to get through your TBR? Three months? A year? Go ahead and start small. This can always be reassessed if you feel like you still haven't gotten through much of your bookshelf. Then B) Decide as you go. Now, I know this can seem unrealistic to the Type A's out there, but sometimes you just got to go with your gut. You've been on your Ban for months and you feel like you have successfully lowered your TBR? Go ahead and end the Ban. Just be cautious with this option. You can not be weak, here. Your decision to end the Ban can not just be because you are tired of not buying books. It has to be legitimate.

4) Survive

Deep breaths. You can do it. I know it will be hard. It will suck, in all honesty. You're going to see all of the newest releases every time you go online. You're going to tear up every time you pass a library. Your friends may think you're insane, your parents may ask if they can buy a book for you, and worst of all, you may be offered a free book during this time. Do not allow them to change your mind. Stick with your Ban. Stay strong, readers, stay strong.

5) Keep Your New Habits

At one point or another, you will stop your Ban. This can feel like the greatest moment of your life. Forget your wedding day, forget graduation, forget all of that. From today on, you can go to the bookstore whenever you want and buy a book, heck you could buy two books! "Wait," your friends say, "won't your bookshelf just get packed again?" Do not ignore your friends when they ask you this. Consider it. Decide to limit yourself and not fall back into your old habits. You don't have to be on a Ban to show some will in a bookstore.

If you would like to go on a Ban, I wish you all the best. If not, carry on. I wish you all the happiness buying all the books I currently can't.

Your Pemberley Reader,

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